
  • Children, Youth and Families

    CYF coordinates nursery and education activities during Sunday morning times as well as youth group, game night, Family Fun Day and Summer Programs!

  • Witness for Justice

    Doing justice, seeking peace, and building community are central to the identity of the United Church of Christ. Each month the Witness for Justice Team will share information on a topic of peace, justice, equality or inclusivity so that we may grow together in the work of Christian Justice.

  • Missions

    Our Missions are focused on our Food Pantry and on Project Hope in Painesville. We also support disaster relief programs and special offerings.

  • Ministry Team

    The Ministry Team is the heart of the church. This group has one person who uses their gifts and skills to plan and lead each of these areas: Worship, Music, Children, Youth and Families, Adult Learning, Marketing, Building Use and Design, Missions, Witness for Justice, Congregational Care, Team, Digital Ministry, Fellowship and Celebration, Welcoming, Women’s Fellowship and Food Pantry!

  • Administrative Council

    The Cabinet is composed of the Moderator, Assistant Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer, and one Steward for each of these tasks: Financial Management, Building and Grounds, Fund Raising, and Personnel and Leadership Development.

  • Care Team

    We have several way to support our church family. Lay Care Ministers who are available for one on one pastoral support. As well as card and phone call ministers and coordination of meals for members in special situations.

  • Music

    Our Choir provides choral anthems 1st and 3rd Sundays during the program year. Special music is always welcome and encouraged on other Sundays and in the summer months.

  • Colonial Crafters

    Colonial Crafters comprises a group of women who gather weekly for fellowship and to support each other in various phases of their lives. Meeting at 10 a.m. every Tuesday, members bring a bag lunch and enjoy desserts and snacks provided by the hostess of the day. Generally, meetings conclude by 2 p.m. The group, which was formed in 1952, has approximately 25 regular attendees. Open to anyone who wishes to share their time and crafting talents, the group also welcomes two women who are members of other churches.

  • Womens Fellowship

    Serving both the congregation of Old South UCC and the community at-large. Women’s Fellowship perennially provides support for many in need.

    Membership consists of any woman of any age who is a church member. About 20 active members meet on the fourth Monday of the month for business and fellowship. They provide lunches for church members during times of bereavement and refreshments for many church events.

    ­By far, the group’s most ambitious, successful event is its annual Holiday Bazaar, a major fundraiser that’s been around since at least the 1920s, it is the oldest craft bazaar in the county. Everything at Bazaar is hand made: all kinds of sewn, knitted, crocheted items, as well as a large selection of homemade baked goods.

    The Bazaar features a hot lunch that includes homemade soups and pies, as well as hot dogs, sloppy joes, egg salad and tuna salad.

    At least 80 percent of what is earned finds its way to one charity or another including camperships for youth in the church.

  • Pastoral Relations

    Our Pastoral Relations committee is responsible to advocate for the Pastor and act as an active vessel for the church body when dealing with concerns of a pastoral nature.